About Us

The NSO Birth Marriage Certificate website is a totally free resource for all people who need answers to their questions and solutions to their problems regarding NSO / Census. Should you have any other concerns about the NSO and problems that arise along the process of your certificate application, please don't hesitate to let them know using our comment section.

Remember that all problems have answers but it could take time before we can answer them all here because we to attend to literally millions of visitors like you looking for answers to their questions and solutions to their problems. We want to accommodate all of your concerns but please be patient.

Let us make this website a constructive medium and not a graffiti wall of all your hate to service of this agency of the Philippine government. Let us all help one another in looking to achieve a service that truly dedicated to and for the people. Thank you very much for your understanding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pan po malaman kung nairehistro napo s nso n marriage cert at birth cert n anak


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